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Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WAAt Coulter Family Dentistry, we provide some restorative services to improve your oral health and give you a smile you deserve. Dr. Travis Coulter is trained in a variety of techniques and treatments to restore teeth that are decayed, chipped, cracked, discolored, or even missing.

Dental Implants
Dental implants are the ideal solution for tooth loss. A dental implant is a small titanium screw that we surgically place into the jawbone. Your implant will mimic the root component of a tooth and provide a sturdy foundation for your restoration.

Oral Surgery
Oral surgery can be used for some restorative treatments. We may recommend oral surgery if you are in need of dental implants, bone grafting, wisdom tooth extractions, or corrective jaw treatment. We also perform oral surgery to remove a problematic tooth and make way for restoration.

Root Canal
We may recommend root canal therapy if the pulpy material in your tooth is infected. During a root canal, we will remove the infected pulp and replace it with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. After a root canal, your tooth may become brittle. In most cases, we place a dental crown to protect the brittle tooth.

A denture is a removable prosthesis that is used to replace missing teeth. Conventional dentures rest on the gums and provide a complete arch of prosthetic teeth. Partial dentures are used to replace one or more missing adjacent teeth. Many partial dentures use metal clasps that attach to the surrounding teeth.

Tooth Colored Restorations
When your teeth have been damaged or have suffered decay, getting treatment is essential. Whether you have a cracked tooth or a cavity, or you have suffered tooth loss, dental restorations can help to restore the health of your mouth and your quality of life. At Coulter Family Dentistry, we can also help to restore the appearance of your smile with colored tooth restorations.

Bone Grafts
To receive a dental implant, you must have a sufficient amount of bone in the jaw. If you have experienced bone deterioration, we may recommend a bone graft. A bone graft allows for the new growth of strong and durable bone that can support an implant.

Dental Bridge
A traditional dental bridge is a fixed restoration that fills the space of one or more missing teeth. Most bridges consist of two dental crowns that are linked together by a pontic, or false tooth. The adjacent teeth are completely reshaped to accommodate the crowns. These days, a bridge can also be supported by dental implants.

Dental Crown
A dental crown is a tooth-shaped capped that is used to restore a damaged tooth. Crowns not only restore the aesthetics of a tooth, but they also improve the structure. Crowns cover the entire visible portion of a tooth.

Dental Filling
A dental filling is used to treat a small or moderately-sized cavity. During the procedure, we will remove the decayed material and place the restoration material, typically resin composite. Resin composite can be color matched to the existing shade of your tooth, which makes your filling virtually invisible.

Temporomandibular joint disorder also referred to as TMJ disorder or TMD, are a term that covers some different issues that affect the TMJ and the surrounding bones, muscles, and ligaments. These issues irritate your TMJ, which then leads to inflammation. This can then lead to significant pain and other complications.

Dental Inlays/Onlays
An inlay, usually made from porcelain, is a cemented restoration that restores the occlusal surface of your tooth. An onlay is similar to an inlay but extends over one or more cusps along the sides of the tooth. Inlays and onlays are considered a conservative alternative to dental crowns.

Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction may be necessary for some reasons, usually to make way for a new restoration. We may also recommend extraction of impacted teeth. Impacted teeth can lead to serious complications with the rest of your oral health.

Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and root planing is an effective way to combat gum disease before tooth loss occurs. We may recommend a scaling and root planing if you have more advanced signs of gum disease, including bad breath, heavy tartar build-up, and deep periodontal pockets.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you are in need of restorative dentistry, call 509-924-1314, and schedule your appointment.
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1601 S. Dishman Mica Road,
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Restorative Dentistry Spokane Valley, WA • Coulter Family Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry in Spokane Valley WA, by Coulter Family Dentistry. We are Committed to Your Complete Oral Health & Radiant Smile. Call Today! (509) 209-8747
Coulter Family Dentistry, 1601 S. Dishman Mica Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206-3300, 509-924-1314,, 9/26/2024, Related Terms: dentist Spokane Valley WA,