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Home Dental Services Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Spokane Valley, WA

Dental Sedation in Spokane Valley, Washington with Coulter Family DentistrySedation dentistry is often recommended for patients who have a high level of anxiety regarding dental treatment of any kind. We offer several levels of sedation at Coulter Family Dentistry, and welcome you to call with any question you may have.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral Conscious Sedation is the lowest level of sedation dentistry (other than Nitrous Oxide, or laughing gas). You will be asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled treatment time, and will be given oral medication that will help relax you and lower your anxiety. The sedation medicine is not intended to put you to sleep, merely relax and calm you. However, many patients do end up falling asleep during their procedure. You'll be asked to have a driver to take you home after your appointment, until the medication wears off.

Intravenous (IV) Conscious Sedation

IV Conscious Sedation is similar to Oral Sedation, but the medicine is administered via IV and can be more easily regulated for each patient's anxiety and sedation level. Patients that use IV Sedation are often asleep during the entire appointment, but will not be in as deep a sedation state as with General Anesthesia.

General Anesthesia

This is the highest level of sedation, performed by either a dental anesthesiologist or a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist in our office. Using this level of sedation, often all of your dental treatment service needs can be accomplished in one appointment. Schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Travis Coulter and our team to find out if you are a candidate for general anesthesia.
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1601 S. Dishman Mica Road,
Spokane Valley WA 99206-3300

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Sedation Dentistry Spokane Valley, WA | Coulter Family Dentistry
Sedation Dentistry in Spokane Valley WA, by Coulter Family Dentistry. We are Committed to Your Complete Oral Health & Radiant Smile. Call Today! (509) 209-8747
Coulter Family Dentistry, 1601 S. Dishman Mica Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206-3300 • 509-924-1314 • • 3/15/2025 • Related Phrases: sedation dentistry Spokane Valley WA •