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Periodontal Maintenance Spokane ValleyPatients who suffer from chronic periodontitis will benefit from a periodontal maintenance program. Working together, we can help rebuild lost tissue, restore the health of your gums and keep disease at bay. Our staff at Coulter Family Dentistry can help you have a healthier mouth. What is periodontal disease?More commonly known as gum disease, periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue. Decay-causing bacteria enters our mouth with the foods we consume and even the air we breathe. It collects between our teeth and blends with the naturally occurring plaque that sticks to our teeth. When these bacteria find sugar, it feeds. This is where the phrase ‘sugar bugs’ come from. As bacteria feeds on sugar particles found in either stuck food debris or sticky plaque substance, it then emits an acid that breaks down enamel and irritates gum tissue. There are steps you can take to reduce the development or continuation of gum disease. This includes:
Periodontal Maintenance through a Deep CleaningDeep cleaning is more involved than a typical dental cleaning. It involves a process known as scaling and root planing. Scaling is the removal of tartar or calculus using a hand scaling tool or an ultrasonic scaler. The ultra-sonic scaler uses a vibrating tip and a directed stream of water. It gently breaks down hardened tartar without damaging the enamel. Once removed, we then smooth the roots of the teeth through a process known as root planing. This step will help prevent plaque from attaching as easily in the future and induce a healing response from your tissue. We can help guide you through the steps of having healthy teeth and gums. Call us today at 509-924-1314. |