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Home Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride Treatment Spokane

A patient with perfect teeth smiling after receiving a Fluoride Treatment from Coulter Family Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WAMany people find that despite brushing their teeth and flossing properly, they cannot stop cavities from forming. When the enamel covering the teeth becomes weak or gets damaged, cavities are likely to occur. Preventive care at Coulter Family Dentistry is aimed at deterring these dental problems from arising. Varnishing your teeth with fluoride helps enhance the mineral amount in your mouth. This way, it provides extra protection from cavities. Patients can receive the treatment at our dental office during their routine checkups and cleanings or at any time our dentist sees appropriate.

Whether it is your little ones who are getting through the developmental stages of their teeth or other members of the family considered to be prone to cavities, fluoride treatment in Spokane Valley, WA, comes in handy in promoting and enhancing dental health. It gives your family a line of defense from tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

What Is Fluoride?

From the foods we consume and the water we drink, our body is supplied with fluoride, a mineral that occurs naturally in these foods or water. Although our teeth have a very hard and strong protective layer we call the enamel, they are not indestructible. Over time, elements like sugars, bacteria, acids, and plaque attack the tooth enamel, weakening it and making it vulnerable to decay and cavities.

Since people may not get enough of this mineral from food sources and water, there are other ways to supplement it. Receiving fluoride treatment at the dental office and using fluoridated mouth rinses and toothpaste are other ways to get additional fluoride to the teeth.

How Does Fluoride Work?

After our dentist applies fluoride to the tooth, the mineral works by getting absorbed by the enamel. Here, it begins to strengthen and harden it, thus ensuring protection against decay and cavities.

Who Needs Fluoride Treatment?

Children below the age of six are particularly good candidates for fluoride treatment. It helps in the development of the erupting permanent teeth. As such, the mineral enhances tooth resistance to attacks from acids released by bacteria and sugars in their mouths. Adults vulnerable to cavities, for instance, those with weak enamel, may also need fluoride therapy.

Those who experience dry mouth persistently also may need to receive the treatment. Saliva helps in washing away debris, deposits, bacteria, and leftovers from the mouth. People with a dry mouth have reduced saliva production, making their oral health prone to cavities and gum disease. Receiving fluoride treatment can help them protect their teeth and gums.

Further, people who have crowns, braces, bridges, or removable partial dentures may be more likely to get cavities, particularly around orthodontic brackets and in areas where crowns meet the teeth. Fluoride therapy may help prevent cavities from arising in these patients.

The Fluoride Treatment Process

There are two ways our dentist can administer fluoride treatment. First, the mineral may be painted directly on teeth surfaces, or it may be dispensed with customized trays. Our dentist cleans the teeth to clear any bacteria, biofilm, tartar, and leftovers present. The cleaning of teeth also prepares the teeth for treatment by clearing any elements that could hinder the effective absorption of the fluoride mineral.

Our dentist will then pour a gel or foam of fluoride into a tray that is placed on the teeth to supply the mineral. Alternatively, the dentist may paint the mineral onto the teeth surfaces. We allow about five to 10 minutes for the fluoride to soak into the teeth before removing the tray and washing away the remnants of the mineral from the teeth. It is crucial to understand that fluoride treatment alone is not considered enough to completely make your teeth cavity-free. We recommend additional treatments like sealants and dental cleanings.

Fluoride treatment is simple and pain-free, with no need for anesthetic. In as little as five minutes or so, you have your treatment completed.

The Importance of Fluoride Treatment

Tooth enamel gains and loses minerals like fluoride every day through the processes of demineralization and remineralization. When the enamel gets attacked by acids from bacteria and sugars in the mouth, it demineralizes or loses its minerals. On the flip side, when we consume foods and water containing minerals like fluoride, we remineralize the enamel, meaning we replenish the outer covering of the tooth with the minerals it requires for strength, proper function, and good health.

Tooth decay arises when demineralization takes place at a greater rate than remineralization. For that reason, we advise fluoride treatment to replenish the lost mineral. It helps the teeth become resistant to acid attacks by strengthening and protecting the tooth enamel.

After the Fluoride Treatment

Once the dentist provides fluoride in Spokane, we advise that you avoid drinking or eating for a minimum of 30 minutes. This way, you allow the fluoride that is in the process of being absorbed into your teeth to do so fully.

Further, you should observe good oral hygiene since a fluoride treatment is not a substitute for that. Make sure brushing is done twice daily and flossing once daily, respectively, to do away with biofilm, leftovers, and other deposits. Additionally, visit our dentist routinely for checkups and cleanings.

Fluoride Treatment FAQs

Does fluoride treatment hurt?

There is no pain when receiving fluoride treatment. The mineral is pasted on the teeth or delivered using customized dental trays. As such, no form of incision or filing down of enamel is involved. Even so, there may be some sensitivity felt because of the teeth-cleaning process involved prior to the fluoride application.

How long does fluoride treatment take?

A dentist can complete the treatment in less than five minutes, depending on your specific case. You can expect the therapy to take about five to 10 minutes. It is short, simple, and straightforward.

When do I resume eating and drinking after fluoride treatment?

Wait for about one hour before eating or drinking. You need to give your teeth adequate time for the fluoride to be absorbed into the tooth enamel for optimal protection.

If you are wondering whether you should get fluoride treatment, contact Coulter Family Dentistry today to learn more. Call us at 509-924-1314 to schedule a consultation with our dentist.
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Fluoride Treatment Spokane | Dentist Coulter Family Dentistry
Safeguard your teeth with our fluoride treatments, a powerful defense against cavities and tooth decay. Don't wait for dental issues to surface—call today!
Coulter Family Dentistry, 1601 S. Dishman Mica Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206-3300, 509-924-1314,, 3/7/2025, Tags: dentist Spokane Valley WA,