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Home Dental Services IV Sedation Clinic

Free IV Sedation Clinic October 7-11

Dr. Coulter and the team at Coulter Family Dentistry are excited to host our second IV Sedation training clinic! We have teamed up with the Academy of Dental and Medical Anesthesia (ADMA) to bring you a great opportunity to get IV Sedation at NO CHARGE.

From October 7-11 we will be buzzing with excitement as sedation students and their assistants are taught by the best of the best. There will be many new faces in the office, but you will still get the quality care that we deliver at each appointment.

See below for some commonly asked questions!

What is the Academy of Dental and Medical Anesthesia?

The Academy of Dental and Medical Anesthesia is a Physician-Based Board-Certified Anesthesia staff that specializes in training dentists to standards set forth by each state's dental boards and the American Society of Anesthesiologists. The ADMA bridges the gap between doctors of dentistry and doctors of medicine by providing professional and comprehensive sedation training and continuing dental education.

How is Coulter Family Dentistry involved?

Dr. Travis Coulter has been passionate about sedation dentistry throughout his entire careerover 17 years! When he was approached by the Academy of Dental and Medical Anesthesia last year to join their instruction team he thought this would be a great fit. He immediately took advantage of the opportunity to travel to offices around the country and teach fellow dentists the importance of sedation safety and implementation in their clinics. After attending several of these courses, Dr. Coulter has decided that he is ready to host a training course in beautiful Spokane, WA. His goal is to run the most seamless course that the ADMA has hosted with thorough planning, state of the art technology, our amazing clinical team and, most importantly, a great patient base to be able to provide these services.

Why did Coulter Family Dentistry decide to host this?

Dr. Coulter recognizes that dental anxiety is something that many people experience. It holds people back from getting the treatment they need and deserve, which in-turn causes more problems, therefore causing more dental anxiety. It’s an unfortunate cycle that we are looking to help break! Sedation dentistry is often looked at with many benefits until you see the price tag associated with it. This course, however, means that our local Spokane community can get their sedation for FREE. By removing the financial barrier that prevents you or a loved one from getting their dental work complete we are reaching our goal of helping you achieve the healthy and beautiful smile you deserve.

Will my doctor be doing my treatment?

Yes! Doctors Coulter, Wheeler and Gilbert will be completing all treatment and our exceptional hygienists will be fulfilling our hygiene needs. It is the IV Sedation specifically that will be administered and monitored by a student who is under direct supervision of an instructor. The ADMA proudly requires a 2:1 instructor to student ratio at each course, so you know you will be in good hands each step of the way.

How do I find out if I am a candidate for this?

If you have any apprehension about coming to the dental office, need at least a cleaning and are at least 15 years old, you are a candidate! Whether you are a current patient of ours, haven’t been to the dentist in many years or received a referral from your current dental practice for specific treatment, we can help you! Your first step is calling the office or submitting a contact request HERE . Our Treatment Coordinator will walk you through the process and likely schedule you for an exam and possible x-rays to get started. Once we see what treatment needs you have, our team will discuss any out of pocket estimates with you and help schedule your treatment under sedation.

What does the day of treatment look like?

You will fast for 6 hours prior to your appointment- no food or drink at all. You and your driver will come to the office together and check in for your appointment. Your driver will need to stay in the office until instructed by our Treatment Coordinator, and then will need to stay on site in their car. Upon completion of your treatment we will assist you to your driver’s car and review how the appointment went. Once you get home you may still be sleepy so set yourself up to have a nice and relaxing day with no major plans! Your driver will need to be somebody who can keep an eye on you for the remainder of the day, so plan accordingly. Everybody reacts a bit differently to sedation but you should be back to feeling normal after a full night's rest.
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Coulter Family Dentistry, 1601 S. Dishman Mica Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99206-3300 - 509-924-1314 - - 9/26/2024 - Key Phrases: dentist Spokane Valley WA -